Best Fish Taco Recipes
Which came first, the fish taco or the fisherman? In my case, it was the fish taco. And the best fish taco recipes came from the small independent taco shops and burger joints here in Southern California. They introduced me to multiple salsas, sauces and old world Mexican flavors. They taught me the difference between soft tacos, hard crispy tacos, rolled tacos (taquitos) and tostadas.
All these various tacos require one simple ingredient, fresh fish. That's where we fishermen have the advantage. And now with this new compilation of the year's best fish taco recipes,
fishermen have one more advantage, picking and choosing which fish taco they want to cook up next.
Here's a listing of the most popular fish tacos of the year and their links to the full recipe and instructional video. Become a fish taco master with a little help from Fisherman's Belly. Enjoy!
1. Yellowtail Baja Tostadas
2. Rockfish Ceviche
3. Green Chili Tuna Tacos
4. Del Taco Fish Taco Makeover
5. Ultimate Yellowtail Soft Taco
6. Beer Battered Halibut Tostadas
7. Fried Tuna Crispy Tacos
8. Tuna Taquitos
9. Crispy Sushi Tacos
10. Rolled Wahoo Tacos